Texas Meets Atlanta at Fox Bros Bar-B-Q

I love Bar-B-Q. My stomach, on the other hand, has issues. But that’s besides the point. Atlanta is a city that thrives on Bar-B-Q. I mean, c’mon, we’re in the South. Every single town in the entire state of Georgia has a Bar-B-Q joint that claims to be the best around. For some of those towns, that’s certainly true. But when you enter the city limits of Atlanta, things become competitive. VERY competitive. We’ve got Carolina-style, we’ve got Memphis-style, heck ,we even have Korean-style. How does one really discern which style of Bar-B-Q is the best? It all seems to be down to a matter of opinion, and as any true Atlantan would say, I certainly have my own opinions as to where to find the best and greatest of all Bar-B-Q in the city. And that, my friends, is Fox Bros Bar-B-Q.

Located across the street from a never ending stretch of railroad tracks and next to a slew of buildings that seem to have a new tenant every other week, twin brothers Jonathan and Justin Fox have managed to build a loyal (and dedicated) following and permanent location in the Candler Park neighborhood of northeast Atlanta. Since 2007, the Texas-born brothers have been dishing out their Bar-B-Q to the masses, and there is absolutely no sign of them ever letting up. Their Bar-B-Q, which has won accolades from Atlanta to Texas to New York City, is in a class all of its own. From the slow-roasted, melt-in-your-mouth ribs to the ridiculously creative sides that come out of the belly of the kitchen, this is some serious Bar-B-Q. Really, this is the kind of Bar-B-Q that makes you go “Holy sh*t, where have I been eating?” Continue reading